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  • Tags: cemeteries

This map shows the headstone locations in Brewster Cemetery on Almon Johnson Road and Curtis Road intersection. Made by F. Feakes, April 1995 and 1999. See M 13 - shows designations that refer to WHS study done in 1992-1993


This map of the Benjamin Cemetery in Worthington (a.k.a. Parker Four Corners) shows the layout of headstones and footstones and the distances apart. Also shows Leonard Plot and dimensions of cemetery in feet. It was originally done by the Boy Scouts…


This map was made by C. R. and F. Feakes in November 1993 of the Benjamin (a.k.a. Parker Four Corners - Almon Johnson and West Street intersect at the cemetery) in Worthington. There is also a list of headstone names copied by Pat Kennedy from the…


Typed list of Civil War soldiers buried in Center Cemetery. The names are John C Adams, William W Adams, Henry Benton, John J. Bisbee, Johnson Bourroughs (?), James K . Burr, John Kelly, John Wright. Actual list ( 2-1/2' x 8-1/2') is pasted on…


Capen's handwritten transcription of;deeds: (Cemetery References) (see Box 24a) 1. Lovisa Adams to Town, Oct 4, 1873 Book 306 - 239. Land bordering North Cemetery 2. Lovisa Adams to Town, June 22, 1874. Book 306-239. Right of way 3. Harris E…


Map prepared by Ed lewis showing position of gravestones at Benjamin Cemetery


Survey of Gravestones in Brewste and Benjamin Cemeteries' by Historical Society, the Community and Boy Scouts.


Documents related to unsuccessful application to Massachusetts Historical Commission for funds for cemetery cleanup. Includes 8' x 10' black and white photo of North Cemetery wall.


Documentation of Worthington Historical Burying Grounds' (Brewster and Benjamin cemeteries) compiled by Frank Feakes. Contains notes and 'Grave Marker Survey Forms' of all known graves in both cemeteries. See also black and white photographs in Box…


Color photograph mounted on board. Ames Burr, 1793-1875, Relief Eager, wife of James Burr, 1804-1874. There is also a stained glass window in the Congregational Church dedicated to Relief Eager Burr.


Color photograph mounted on board. Elisha H. Brewster, 8/5/1809 - 11/27/1876, Sophronia K[ingman Brewster], wife of E. H. Brewster, 8/12/1810 - 3/14/1879. And others not legible from photograph. Photo not shown. Also photograph from FindaGrave…


Color photograph mounted on board. Shows two gravestones. Josiah Mills , died 1/7/1849, age 77 years. Esther, wife of Josiah Mills, died 7/15/1837, age 78.

Center Cemetery is located at Worthington Center on Sam Hill Road.


Ringville Cemetery on Witt Hill Road. These are all Glass Slides made by Franklyn Hitchcock, resident of Worthington.The numbers on each slide refer to the numbering system used by Hitchcock. This is 29. This is an unidentified house


Black and white glossy photographs of Row H (H1-G3) in Brewster Cemetery, taken by Frank Feakes; see current (July 2007) research and photographs by Ed Lewis, Pat Kennedy, Diane Brenner, Frank Feakes.


Black and white glossy photographs of Row G (G1-G14) in Brewster Cemetery, taken by Frank Feakes; see current (July 2007) research and photographs by Ed Lewis, Pat Kennedy, Diane Brenner, Frank Feakes.


Black and white glossy photographs of Row F (F1, F2, F3, F5) in Brewster Cemetery, taken by Frank Feakes; see current (July 2007) research and photographs by Ed Lewis, Pat Kennedy, Diane Brenner, Frank Feakes.


Black and white glossy photographs of Row E (E1-E13, E3, E7, E11 missing) in Brewster Cemetery, taken by Frank Feakes; see current (July 2007) research and photographs by Ed Lewis, Pat Kennedy, Diane Brenner, Frank Feakes.


Worthington Cemetery, Worthington, Mass' this is in fact the Ringville Cemetery as determined by the gate, the tall Pease tombstone and the 20 foot long capstones. From real photo postcard. Albert D. Bird, 1925, caretaker. Great Grandfather of Marion…


Handwritten list of some tombstones in Center Cemetery by Elizabeth Payne.


Guide prepared by Paysage Landscape Architecture and Historic Preservation for the Worthington Historical Commission. Included are North Cemetery, Center Cemetery and Ringville Cemetery. Included also are FORM E - Burial Documents for the above named…


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