2025-028a.tif: Illegible, Harold 'Brownie' Brown, C. (Charles) Ken Osgood, Dr. Harold Stone, Ralph Smith, Rob Bartlett painting the church parsonage.
2025-028b.tif: Dr. Stone, 'Fellow hired by H. Snyder', Harold 'Brownie' Brown, Rob Bartlett, Ralph…
Brief sketch titled "The Ernest Richard Fairman Family" Also mentioned in addition to Ernest Sr. and Lena, E. Richard (Dick) m. Barbara Hallahan, Neil F. (Dutch), and Janet. Dick Fairman's life in Worthington, as well as his military service are …
Paul Fowler and Helen Fowler lived on Clark Road. Mentioned are daughter Susan, m. Kenneth Beach and their schildren, David Jeffrey and Christopher Scott (Scott) who married Sandra Demegall. Susan is now Susan Forgea. No photos
Prepared for the 250th anniversary celebration: a brief description of the family of John Fosnot and Nancy Brenner, living on Indian Oven Road. Also mentioned: Damien and Julie Fosnot and their children, Josie and Maia; and Joshua, Caroline, Cole,…
Prepared for the 250th anniversary celebration, article briefly describes the family of Doug Small and Judy Small, as well as participants in the Worthington Congregational Church. Names mentioned: Bob Kitchen, Molly Kitchen, Luther Pierce, Malcolm…
Prepared for the 250th anniversary, a short description of the family of Horace (Bevo) Bartlett and Priscilla (Pip) Bartlett: Mentioned are Jean Bartlett Graves, Anne Bartlett Pease, Gary Pease, Alice (Zippy) Bartlett Fritz, Wally Fritz; Jane…
Prepared for Worthington's 250th birthday celebration, article mentioned Brian Rowe, Karen Ring Rowe, William Armstrong, Katlyn Rowe, and Caleb Rowe. The Rowes are owners and operators of High Hopes Farm Sugar House.