Browse Items (89 total)

  • Collection: Rice family materials

Newsprint - Hampshire Gazette December 25, 1860, January 8, 1861, January 22, 1861, December 17, 1861, August 1, 1865, March 9, 1875 (this one has synopsis of sermon by Reverend John J. Bisbee of Huntington; he had been installed in Worthington in…

Newsprint - The Berkshire Evening Eagle Supplement re Crane Paper Mill This is a supplement of the Berkshire Evening Eagle printed on Crane paper about the Crane Paper Mill. Little relevance to Worthington but possible local history.

Newsprint- "Men Are Mortal" by Katharine McDowell Rice Newspaper article pertaining to "Men Are Motal" by Katharine McDowell Rice most likely when she at Radcliffe. Her address is in handwriting as Cambridge.

Genealogy - Miscellanea from Radcliffe Scrapbook Miscellanea pertaining to Katherine McDowell Rice's time at Radcliffe. Some relevant to plays she had seen or admired.


Miscellaneous - Carillon, William G. Rice, Jr. Miscellanea pertaining to Carillon Music and Singing Towers of the Old World and the New (by William Gorham Rice, Jr.). File contains a brochure announcing this book; also newspaper articles pertaining…

Miscellaneous - Cloth Book Mark Used in Pulpit Bible of Reverend Creelman The note attached to this artifact reads: "Book Mark used in the Pulpit Bible of the Third Meeting House." This could have belonged to Reverend Creelman. This object was in a…

Household Implement - Pewter Ink Well Stand This is a pewter ink well stand, with no ink bottle. Incised in the well for the bottle is the name Creelman. There is also a place for the pen. It is decorated in a vine pattern and has two handles.…

Household Implement - Sander This is a sander which was used in the 18th and 19 centuries to refine sand to its finest so it could be shaken over fresh ink in order to dry it. It is made of maple wood and is polished. It is on a stand with felt on…

Household Implement - Fleam This is a fleam according to Catherine Rude-Sena.It seems to be a letter opener and is in half a case, which is made of leather and is deteriorating. Stamped on the metal spade-like head is the name of the manufacturer…

Household Implement - Leather Tooler This leather tooler is wooden and metal. It was used to tool saddles, etc. with a name or a brand and could have been used by Rice in the Civil War. It is finely made, the wooden handle is polished and the metal…

Newsprint - Advertisement for Rice Publications (see notes) Pasted on the front side is an advertisement for "The Lights of Home," "Christmas," "Easter Day," and "Over Here" all by Josephine Rice Creelman. Pasted on the back side is an advertisement…

Publication - Offprint, "Two Days in Bavaria," by Katharine McDowell Rice Blue offprint of "Two Days in Bavaria," a stirt bt Katharine McDowell Rice. Three pages folded. These items were removed from a deteriorating scrapbook from the Rice…

Newsprint - Showcases in the Rice Room This is a small, undated newspaper article taken from a large collection of newspaper articles which had been saved by Katharine McDowell Rice. This article reads: "Two show cases have been completed in the Rice…

Legal - Referee in Bankruptcy Certificate, Walter L. Stevens The original certificate with seal was in a frame. Frame was removed and the original is now is Drawer #4 of the wooden cabinet on the mezzanine. A photocopy of this certificate is in Box…

Clothing - Christening Dress and Cloak - Susan Tracy Rice "Christening Dress and Cloak of Susan Tracy Rice, Born June 23, 1863, Died August 22, 1937." This item was in a glass case in the Rice Room of the library along with the christening dress of…

Art - Sketch Book, Water Color Drawings by Susan Tracy Rice Green, leather bound sketch book of water color drawings by Susan Tracy Rice containing "Digby Nova Scotia", Congregational Church"(not the colonial style church), Jassamin," "Old Well,"…

Art -Sketch Book, Pencil Drawings, by William G. Rice The cover of this sketch book of pencil drawings is missing. The writing seems different from DR10 (which see) but so similar to DR12 that it seems to be W. G. Rice. Formerly identified as 36-8.…

Art - Pencil Drawing, "Maple Opposite the Rices" by William G. Rice This double sketch of "Maple Opposite the Rices" by W. G. Rice is very similar to DR11 in style. A smaller drawing on the top half of this three-fold paper seems to be dated July…

Scrapbook - by Katharine McDowell Rice This scrapbook made by Katharine McDowell Rice is about an ice storm in Worthington. The frontispiece is the Woodbridge House. The article about it contained within the scrapbook was written for the Springfield…

Scrapbook - Photo Album This Photo Album from the Rice Room at the Library contains black and white photographs of people and places. To be identified. the album itself is brown cloth with the word "photographs" in gold on the front. There are cars,…
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