Browse Items (31 total)

  • Collection: Church documents

Publication, Parish Word The Parish Word was started by Ann Jones who compiled the information which was then given to Elizabeth Nelson to fit on 8-1/2" x 14" paper, then to Beverly (Bee) Smith to cut the stencil, on to Bevo Bartlett to print the…

Publication, Program, Reverend Douglas George Small Appreciation Recognition and Appreciation Weekend for Rev. Douglas George Small and his family. First Congregational Church, Worthington. Contains biography of Rev. Small.

Report, Women's Benevolent Society Single loose paper recording the final meeting of the Women Benevolent Society held at The Maples. Members present: Crystal Donovan, Millie Stephens, Doris Smith, Evelyn Powell, Dorothy Mason, Eunice Bartlett,…

Organization, The Friendship Guild, Notebook Loose leaf notebook containing minutes of The Friendship Guild meetings. The Friendship Guild disbanded Nov. 7, 2002. "On November 7, the Guild iheld ts last meeting with six members present. It was…

Organization, The Friendship Guild, Notebook Spiral-bound notebook in deteriorating condition - meeting minutes. Frontispiece is the Guild History written by Elizaabeth Payne. Worthington Church history by Elizaabeth Payne written in June 1989 for…

Legal, Annual Meeting Warrants and Minutes Pertaining to the Church Volume 5. Book in badly deteriorated condition. Photographic print of Rev. Frederick Sargent Huntington and George Pease.

Scrapbook - Photo Book of Memorial Window Picture book of stain glass memorial window in memory of Rev. Frederick Sargent Huntington: "The photos in this book show views of the window from the north wall of the sanctuary of the Worthington…

Scrapbook - Photo Book Church Events and People Photographs of many individuals among whom are Elsie Bartlett, Eunice Bartlett, Alice Sexton, Eurma Tower, Doris Smith, Millie Tinker , Barbara Pease, Marion Bartlett (all black and white); later…

Miscellaneous, Papers 1. ) A service for dressing the chancel and rededicating the symbols; 2) 15 items adopted at formation of church in 1771; 3) Letter written by James G. K. McClure, grandson of Col. Wm. Rice; 4.) prayer for 75th anniversary by…

Wooden Box Made for Church Bronze plaque in inside lid indicates box given by Charles Wesley Tower to Church on its 150th anniversary for the safekeeping of its records. "who made it with his own hands in his 72 year from black cherry grown on the…

Record, Time Capsule of Congregational Church Inventory Inventory of tube which holds Time Capsule items. (cross reference: 2005a-001 for photograph of burial of time capsule -- on east corner of church (Ed Lewis among those who buried item).

Report, Church Conference Annual Conference Reports

Recollection, Reverend Malcom E. Washburn, Jr. papers regarding Rev. Malcom E. Washburn Jr. hiring and salary

Organization, Recollection, Organization of the Friendship Guild Loose 2-page paper describing History of the Friendship Guild according to Elsie Venner Bartlett.

Publication, Canvassing and Church Finance 1. Guide for the Chairman of the Every Member Canvass
2. Facts for Canvassers to help you in your Every Member Canvass
3. Meeting Buide for the Chairman of the Every member Canvass
4. A Manual of Methods…

Key to Church Record Box in Vault Key to Church Record Box in Town Hall Vault

Publication, Pamphlet Spiritualizing Church Finance 1. How to spiritualize Church Finance by Warren H. Denison.
2. A vital christian Approach to Church Finance by Warren H. Denison

Legal - Church Building Evaluation Newton Associates and Engineering of Worthington, Project Number 1433

Legal - Church Inspection and Insurance Report Inspection Survey by Mutual Insurance of Hartford for R. B. Smith Insurance company.

Church Bulletin 150th anniversary celebration of Worthington Congregational Church. Drawing of church on front. F. W. Moulton is pastor; Russell H. Conwell delivered the sermon; Arthur G. Capen, Mrs. Leon M. Conwell and Mrs. Edward G. Bligh played…
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