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Church Events
Scrapbook - Photo Book Church Events and People Photographs of many individuals among whom are Elsie Bartlett, Eunice Bartlett, Alice Sexton, Eurma Tower, Doris Smith, Millie Tinker , Barbara Pease, Marion Bartlett (all black and white); later photographs include Harriet Osgood, Marge Moran, Lucie Mollison, Elizabeth Torrey, Lois Ashe Brown, Mary Champion, Esther Curley, Millie Stephens, Madeline Smith, Ann Rausch, Harriett Burr, Elizabeth Payne, Jennie Fairman, Helen Magargal, Shirley Porter, Luther Pierce (?), Ed Lewis, Jimmy Lewis, Babe Smith, Roger Gunn, Malcolm and Carol Washburn, Pat Pease, Annie Holdridge, Phyllis and Chuck Eddy, Lyn and Oliver Wiley, Gorden and Barbara Ann Hertel, Bee and Dick Smith, Rob Bartlett, Doris Bartlett, Ken Pease, Barbara Porter (the Elder), Judy Gibson, Eveline Sears (oldest living charter member of Friendship Guild at 60th Annual Dinner) (all color photograps). Some events represented are: burying of time capsule, Church Fair, possibly children's sunday, possible skit preparation . Doris Smith identified as many photos as she could. Index of ID's is included. In re correspondence file.
This book was scanned December 5, 2021. Where a photo had inscriptions on its reverse, the reverse immediately follows the obverse. Where a photo had no inscriptions on the reverse, the reverse was not scanned.
This book was scanned December 5, 2021. Where a photo had inscriptions on its reverse, the reverse immediately follows the obverse. Where a photo had no inscriptions on the reverse, the reverse was not scanned.
26.7 x 20.3 x 5.1 cm (10.5 x 8 x 2 in)
First Congregational Church of Worthington
Is Part Of
Archive Box 24g
First Congregational Church of Worthington
Contribution Form
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Book Item Type Metadata
Original Format
Book - Scrapbook
Physical Dimensions
26.7 x 20.3 x 5.1 cm
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