Vol. 2, No. 4, Winter 1949-1950 of advertising brochure published by 'Play Days in Yankeeland, Williamsburg, Mass.' Covers the whole Western Mass. area. Includes on p. 19, information about skiing in Worthington.
Photocopy of handwritten papers of incorporation for the 'Mountain Seminary at Worthington', Jan. 14, 1837, approved Feb 7, 1837. Signatures of William Wetman(?), Hiram Bagg, John Kenny, William Ward, William Jones (?), Aaron Stevens, Isacc Gleason,…
Robert Epperly: Pilot and Antarctica Service.' Archival copy of Robert (Bob) Randall's interview with Bob Epperly conducted at the Worthington Historical Society in October, 2010.
Color magazine: 'Conwell Connections' subtitled: 'A Hilltown Community Magazine that is written, edited, created and managed entirely by the Elementary Students of the RH Conwell Coimmunity Educaiton Center' Editor: Zoe Leiws; Assistant Editor:…
Program for June 8, 2011 performance of 'Charlotte's Web' by the students of RH Conwell Community Education Center. Director: Joanne Dupont; musical directors: Margaret Dondiego and Laura Sheridan. Thre performance, involving nearly everyone at the…
Cream-colored thick cotton baseball shirt for young man. Grey buttons. Brown trim. On sleeve: '12', on front: 'Worthington A. C.' on back: 'Meadowbrook Dairy Bar.' Accompanying note reads: 'Baseball shirt from Harley Mason. My parents, Stanley and…
Compilation of records associated with the closing of the R. H. Conwell Elementary School from Selectmen's Meetings, provided by Jeffrey Manley, disc prepared by Ed Lewis.
Softcover, 'Harvesting History' Edited and with several selections by Sheila Rainford and Ruth Own Jones. Amherst Area POublications, first edition, 2010. 343 pp. illustrated with index.
Leather bound weekly time book detailing names, hours worked and weekly pay for large number of Worthington men from Saturday June 11, 1898 through Saturday August 7, 1898. Names include Pierce, Ball, Gould, Frank Smith, Wells, Chapman, Hyde,…
Deed, dated September 29, 1802, from John Watt [sic] to the 'inhabitants of the Town of Worthington, aforesaid, and to their successors in their said corporate capacity forever. . .a certain piece of land lying in said Worthington containing one…
Deed, dated March 28, 1826, from John Watts to Town of Worthington. For 10 dollars, Watts gives 'said inhabitants of Worthington in their corporate capacity and their successors forever, a tract of land lying in Worthington aforesaid bounded as…
Handwritten record of 'Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor' of the South Worthington Methodist Chuch. Found in Parsonage. Entries range from 1895-1901. Includes Articles of Incorporation, names of officers. Ca. 170 pp.
Handwritten, leather bound account book of Elisha Converse, South Worthington, Mass. Has ex library markings. Various accounts of money owed to and by Converse to large number of Worthingon residents. Names include Sanderson, Higgins, Ring, Tower…
Remembering Cummington, Poems and Sketches' Olive M. Thayer, 88 pages, Cummington Historical Commission, signed by Olive Thayer, born in Worthington, 1898. A few black and white illustrations.
CD-R with images showing the Worthington Millennium quilkt, 2000-2010. Includes images of the full quilt as well as separate images of invidiaul sides blocks and of the people who contributed to its design and constructions. The labels on the back…
A History of Williamsburg in Massachusetts' compiled by Barbara Baker Deming, 175th Anniversary, The Hampshire Bookshop, Northampton, Mass. 1946, 416 pages with black and white illustrations. No index.
DVD-R showing operations of the Worthington Post office during Cullen ('Pete') packard's tenure as postmaster. Shows mail being brought from Williamburg to Worthington, being sorted and put into boxes, and then redlivered to nearby towns. People on…
Scan only of both sides of advertising card for the Worthington Inn. On back: The Worthington Inn offers First Class Accommodations. Everything New Throughout with Modern Conveniences. Telephone Connection. Altitude 1500. For terms and information,a…