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  • Collection: Rice family materials

Paper - Address at the Dedication of the Worthington Library, Katharine McDowell Rice Original handwritten Address at the Dedication of the Worthington Library by Katharine McD. Rice. Formerly held together by a rusted straight pin.

Publication - Play, "David," by Katharine McDowell Rice Play - "David" - A Biblical Play by Katharine McDowell Rice. Pages held together by three brads. This appears to be an early typed manuscript that may not have been published.

Legal - Copyright Agreement between Katharine McDowell Rice and Frederick A. Stokes Company Agreement between Katharine McDowell Rice and Frederick A. Stokes Company. ....said Katharine guarantees said Stokes that she is sole proprietor and author of…

Paper - The Pomeroy Band (Band of Mercy Pledge) Signed lined paper in ink of the Pomeroy Band, "Band of Mercy Pledge. I will try to be kind to all harmless living creatures, and protect them from cruel usage." Signed by 69 citizens of Worthington.…

Diary - Notes by Katharine McDowell Rice This seems to be a booklet of notes written for "The boys Junior Club of Northampton for their first meeting at the home of the Rices on Thanksgiving evening. The cover is misleading. It says: "The Proscenium,…

Diary - Book,"Dishes of Shakespeare which I like," by James C. Rice A marblized hard cover book of lined paper whose first entry is "dishes of Shakespeare which I like and the autograph - James C. Rice. Also: "from the Tempest," "Two Gentlemen of…

Letter - "Resolutions passed by the Class of 1854 on hearing of the death of Brig. Gen. James Rice" A letter entitled "Resolutions passed by the Class of 1854 on hearing of the death of Brig. Gen. James Rice. This was in the back of the book of James…

Diary - Guest Book, Alderbest Alderbest Guest Book signed by those missionaries who spent time (a couple of weeks to a complete season) during the summer months at Alderbest. A card file directs guests as to appropriate actions, e.g. "do not cut any…

Diary - Alderbest Card File - Instructions to Guests A card file directs guests as to appropriate actions, e.g. "do not cut any branches, dead or otherwise;do not ever sleep on divan covers".
Alderbest is the land which was left by Frederick Sargent…

Diary - Katharine McDowell Rice Miscellanea This appears to be a note book of miscellanea written and collected by Katharine McDowell Rice from the years 1918 to 1921. Herein are contained mostly notes related to her play writing and productions. On…

Letter - Katharine McDowell Rice Folder containing various miscellaneous correspondence to and from Katharine McDowell Rice -- some of which pertain to the fund for the Rice Memorial Room, one refers to her illness in Albany NY, one has Russell H.…

Church - Publication, Prayer Card, Evening Incense Small brown cloth covered book "Evening Incense" with gold design on spine.Published by Robert Carter & Brothers, 285 Broadway, New York, NY.Note page 18, "sustain the dying....." which has been…

Church - Publication, Catalogue, Theological Seminary Light green paper booklet inscribed "regards of Mr. (Wm.?) Chamberlain. Printed by Samuel S. Smith in Bangor ME. Many names listed in Senior Class (including John C. Chamberlain), Middle Class and…

Church - Report, Anniversary Fund, Katharine McDowell Rice Handwritten report by Katharine McDowell Rice on the Anniversary Fund for the Congregational Church. Included is a ringed set of notes indicating contributions and donors. Also includes small…

Church - War Artifact, Lieutenant Timothy Meech Withdrawing and Absenting from Church of Christ Appears to be a carbon copy of a typed set of notes regarding Chh Meetings. Those mentioned are:Lieutenant Timothy Meech, Deacon Joseph Marsh, Thomas…

Church - Report, Worthington Missionary Society Secretary's Reports, Susan Tracy Rice Black leather bound, red trimmed notebook containing handwritten notes by Susan Tracy Rice, Secretary for the Worthington Missionary Society. "On inside of last…

Church - Letter, solicitation for Anniversary Fund, Katharine McDowell Rice This appears to be a form letter which must have been sent to potential donors to the Worthington Congregational Church 150th anniversary of its organization on August 5 and…

Church - Diary, 150th Anniversary Celebration Booklet This booklet is the program for the August 5 and 6, 1923 150th year Anniversary Celebration of the Worthington Congregational Church (1771-1921). Pastor F. W. Moulton Sunday morning, Sunday…

Church - Diary, Notebook, Katharine McDowell Rice Small red leather notebook with handwritten "Katharine McDowell Rice" on inside cover. Appears to be notations relating to sermons heard during times in the 1890s. The book is mostly empty.

Church - Organization, Report, Women's Benevolent Society Parsonage Building, Katharine McDowell Rice Blue hardcover scrapbook containing notes on efforts by the Women's Benevolent Society to raise money to build a parsonage. There are other notes…
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