Browse Items (5 total)

  • Collection: Adrian and Dorothy Wright family

Grammar School Diploma in red leatherette case issued to Edward Seth Wright, known as "Ted" on June 19, 1942. The diploma is signed by School Committee members: Fred G. Sears, Jr., Arthur G. Capen, and Alice M. Bartlett; as well as by Principal Helen…

Sepia toned portrait photograph showing Dorothy and Adrian Wright. Their parents, Joseph and Minnie Wright had moved with their family to "The Farm" on Old Post Road, where they raised and sold chickens. Dorothy and Adrian purchased 28 acres across…

House at 106 Huntington Road was built on land purchased in 1934 on State Road by Adrian Wright to build a summer home for his family. It took two years to build and cost $3,000 including the price of the land. The cellar was dug for the price of a…

Glossy snapshot, sepia toned, showing six members of the family of Adrian and Dorothy Wright near their property at 106 Huntington Road, in Worthington. From left, rear: Ted [Edward], Dorothy, Adrian, Dave [David]. Front: Phyll [Phyllis] and Bar…

Two letters to 'Miss Rice. One, undated, from Edward Goodnow requesting financial support for the Harvard Dramatic Club. The second letter is from Lois Scott, requesting the right to present 'Mrs. Bagg's Bargain Days.' NOte from KMD saying item…
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