Browse Items (38 total)

  • Collection: Paul Strasberg collection

Genealogy - Memorial, Russell Herman Conwell Memorial Service Booklet The memorial Service Booklet for Russell Herman Conwell, September 6, 1931, at South Worthington Uncer the Auspices of the Grange. The front of the booklet shows an image of the…


School Essay on Corn, by unknown student. Includes quote by Edward Everett Hale. On lined deteriorating lines paper.

School - Letter, George Mowry from Everett ? Letter in envelope to Mr. George Mowry, Ringville MA from Everett (could this also be Edward Everett Hale see 2006a-218) in Westfield MA. Everett was just 12 and lists what he got for his birthday,…

School - Certificate, Reward of Merit, Harry Ormsby Hand colored "Reward of Merit" card in flowery envelope to Harry Ormsby from Loressa(?) Buck, most likely his teacher, for:
"conduct good and lessons learned, Your teacher can commend; good…

Art - Assorted Travel Postcards - Addressed (Julia to Frederick Lockwood) Black and white postcards (with one that is cyanotype) to Mr. Frederick Lockwood from Julia from France, Austria and Germany. To be read and assorted at a later date. Please…

Art - Assorted Travel Postcards - Not Addressed Assorted black and white, and some in color, come photographic post cards from travels (England, France, Italy, Vienna, Brussels, ) These cards have been segregated by place for future cataloging and…

Miscellaneous - Assorted Stamps and Empty Stamp Catalogues Newspaper Catalogue from Bullard and Company, Tremont Street, Boston, including paper album minus stamps. German Schaubeks Stamp Album which had stamps but all have been removed. No date ca…

Letter - Re Ormsby and Adams Families from Adams/Strasburg Collection From Adams/Strasburg Collection. Letters concerning Ormsby and Adams Families. See attached inventory.

Letter - from Munich from Adams/Strasburg Collection From Adams/Strasburg Collection. Travel letters from Julia to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Lockwood , Norwalk CT. Mention events in Munich (Hitler Youth March, etc.) in the days prior to WW II. To be…

Recollection - Travel Memorabilia This is travel memorabilia, of little interest to Worthington, which is in addition to the postcards from European travel. It seems to be partly travel in the United States and a collection of tickets and menus from…

School - Composition on Schools Composition on schools written on lined pages, spotted with age, in a fairly young hand (possibly belonging to Lora P. Ormsby since it came from the collection of her papers from the Adams/Ormsby home, via Paul…

Miscellaneous - Business or Calling Cards Miscellaneous Business or Calling Cards as follows:

J. H. & M. R. Fisk, Dealers in Flour, Feed, Grain, Hay, and Lumber, Lumber Sawed to Order, Huntington, Mass. (identify Brad or Wayne Fisk)

E. S.…

Newsprint- and Other Miscellanea from Lora P. Ormsby Newspaper clippings and other miscellanea from Lora P. Ormsby. See attached inventory.

Legal - Receipt Miscellaneous Receipts. See attached inventory.

Legal - Lease Rufus Adams to Olive E. Prentice Lease from Rufus Adams to Olive E. Prentice. Indenture written on lined paper. Lease of property "demise and to farm let ... all that tract of land situated in the town mentioned and bounded as follows.…

Legal - Deed Elisha H. Brewster to Rufus Leonard Deed from Elisha H. Brewster to Rufus Leonard. "For consideration of one hundred and twenty dollars...a certain tarct of land situated in said Worthington and bounded as follows. Viz. North by Jonathan…

Legal - Mortgage Deed from Rufus Leonard to Olive E. Leonard Mortgage Deed from Rufus Leonard to Olive E. Leonard. For the consideration of one hundred fifty dollars, "To Olive E. Leonard, her heirs and assigns forever, a certain tract of land…

Legal - Guardian's Letter to Olive E. Adams for Rufus Adams Guardian's Letter to Olive E. Adams of Coleraine. Appointment as guardian of Rufus Adams "five years of age."

Legal - Warranty Deed Ellsworth H. Hyde to Levi C. Adams Warranty Deed from Ellsworth H. Hyde to Levi C. Adams. For consideration of four hundred seventy five dollars ". . .a certain parcel of land situate in Worthington in the county of Hampshire,…

Legal - Deed Lonson (Launson) Leonard to Rufus Leonard Deed from Lonson (Launson) Leonard to Rufus Leonard. For consideration of eight hundred dollars ". . . a certain tract of land situated in said Worthington and bounded as follows. Viz. on the…
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