Publication - Poster, 'Market Fair and Auction Sale at Worthington'

Dublin Core




Publication - Poster, 'Market Fair and Auction Sale at Worthington'


Poster Title: 'Market Fair & Auction at Worthington. 'This is a Sale Poster advertising the third market fair and public sale, by the Green Mountain Agricultural Society, at the Town Hall, in Worthington, on Tuesday, the 30th of Oct., at 9:00 A. M. 'All kinds of stock will be offered for sale or exchange: also all kinds of Produce, by sample or otherwise. Auction sales will commence at 10:00 a.m., and continue through the day. Those who wish to avail themselves of the public sales are requested to make their entries with the secretary of the society, on or before the date of the sale. The public sale will be conducted in the order of entry. Ample provision will be made for the security of Stock. All public sales are to [be] positive sales, and a liberal credit will be given for most of the property sold, if desirable. The citizens of the neighboring towns are respectfully invited to participate in the purchase and sale of stock and other property. Experienced Auctioneers will be in attendance.' Names in bold print at the bottom of the poster are: Horace Cole, C. H. Bates, Nahum Blackman, Zenas Watkins, A. D. Perry. Printed by Gazette & Courier Caloric Printing Establishment, Northampton, MA. It is framed in an old wooden, partially deteriorated, fairly ornate frame. Quite a lovely piece. Recovered from Capen/Riverside on 7/31/2006. On display in East Vestibule.




61 x 76.2 cm (24 x 30 in)



Date Available


Is Part Of

On Display


from Capen/Riverside School
