Poetry - 'Song of Praise for All', Fordyce Sampson, calligraphy

Dublin Core




Poetry - 'Song of Praise for All', Fordyce Sampson, calligraphy


Fordyce Sampson (~1796-Aug 24, 1842) of Worthington, April 12, 1816. 'Song of Praise for All'. 'When all thy mercies , O My God/ my rising soul surveys/transported withe view f'm high/in wonder love and praise/ To all my weak complaints & cries/thy mercies lent an ear/ere yet my feeble thoughts had learned /to form themselves in prayer/. Thy providence my life sustained/and all my wants redressed/when in the silent womb I lay/and hung upon the breast/when in the slippery paths of youth/with heedless steps I ran/thine arm unseen conveyed me safe/and led me up to man/unnumbered comforts to my soul/thy kinder cares bestowed/before my infant heart cons(sic)eived /from whom these comforts flowed/ten thousand thousand precious gifts/ my daily thanks employ/ nor is the least a cheerful heart/that flushes(?) those gifts with joy/through every period of my life/by goodness I'll pursue/and after death in distant worlds/thy glorious theme renew/ when nature fails and day & night/divide thy works no more/my ever grateful heart O Lord!/thy mercies shall adore/through all eternity to thee/a joyful song I'll raise/for O! eternity's too short /to utter all thy praise.' April 12, in the year of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (first spelling of Christ crossed out). In beautiful calligraphy, with decorations and cross hatchings in pen and ink. Had been folded in the center at some point. (974.4 S)was former number. Facsimile on display in main room of WHS. . Stored in tissue along with translation in Drawer #4 of Wooden Cabinet in mezzanine. Original number: 974.4/S/#406. Scanned.jpg copy (600 dpi) currently on display at WHS with translation and question asking why Fordyce Sampson crossed out the word 'Christ' and replaced it with the word 'Christ'.




34.3 x 40.6 cm (13.5 x 16 in)



Date Available


Is Part Of

Drawer #4 Wooden Cabinet


from Capen/Riverside School
