Map - Early Map and List of Early Inhabitants

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Map - Early Map and List of Early Inhabitants


Papers found in Arthur Capen's desk at library. Information sent by M(ary) K(ilbourn) Smart to Arthur Capen, Enfield, Massahusetts. (1) Map with Place of Residence of the First inhabitants is colored green with hand drawn roads and numbers indicating houses. Refers to: (June 2, 1762 Plantation No. 3 was sold at auction in Boston to Aaron Willard. Then purchased by Col. Worthington and Maj. Barnard. A few settlers came in 1764, many from CT and eastern parts of MA. In 1768 Worthington was incorporated' See colored legend of roads (2) Names of first inhabitants of the Town - in colored green and ink letters: Adams, Bemis, Benjamin, Biglow, Boney, Brunson, Branch, Buck, Burton, Clapp, Cleaveland, Clemmons, Collamore, Collins, Converse, Cotrell, Crosby, Curtis, Daniels, Dewey, Drury, Dwelly, Eager, Finton, Fitch, Follett, Frink, Gardner, Gates, Geer, Hall, Hatch, Herrick, Hickey, Hoton, Howard, Kelly, Kinne, Leonard, Marsh, Meech, Miller, Morse, Oliver, Partridge, Pettingell, Phillips, Porter, Prentice, Proughty, Randall, Skiff, Spaulding, Sylvester, Tinker, Tower, Watts, Wheeler, Wybourn, First church built in 1764, First school house built in 1773. First road survayed (sic) was 'The Direct Road' from Albany to Boston, The second road survayed (sic) was from Cummington to Chester (see map legend - brown and orange colors are quite similar and reqiuire careful scrutiny) Nathaniel Daniels built the first frame house, Alexander Miller was the first innholder, Luke Boney and Daniel Brunson were the first millers, Nahum Eager was the first sawmill, Reuben Adams owned the second sawmill and second grist mill, Thomas Buck manufactured brick. Original envelope included with 2 cents stamp, postmarked November 23, 1923 to Arthur G. Capen, Enfield M.A






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Box 30a

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summer 2005


Town Hall
