Recollection - Research Paper, Lafayettes Visit and Dedication of Library Boulder

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Recollection - Research Paper, Lafayettes Visit and Dedication of Library Boulder


'Visit of Lafayette to Worthington'' by Katharine McDowell Rice ''The foregoing paper was read by the author at invitation of the George Washington Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution at their annual outing banquet on the evening of June 13,1925 at Lafayette Lodge, Worthington, Mass.'' ''At this meeting announcement was made that the chapter would present a bronze tablet commemorating the visit of Lafayette to Worthington to be placed on the library grounds if the town would provide a boulder. This condition was met, the town placing the boulder on a foundation laid by the library. The tablet was dedicated according to the S.A. R. ritual on October 12 in presence of one hundred or more persons.'' ''The inscription reads: General Lafayette friend of America in its struggle for liberty visited Worthington June 13, 1825 was a guest overnight at the tavern then located on this site.'' ''On the 13th of June the town celebrated the visit of Lafayette by a pageant [K. McD.R.] written for the occasion which was given on the library grounds at 2 p.m. Lafayette was impersonated and many represented ancestors who had greeted him a hundred years before. All who took part were dressed in costume of 1825.'' Small oval picture of Lafayette and inscription from K. McD. Rice ''To old friends Mabel and Daisy with love of the author, July 17, 1935 (ten years after she wrote it). See also framed news clipping of the Lafayette visit which is on display in the main room of the Archive building. This came from the Rice Room on August 24, 2006.




51.8 x 28.6 cm (20.4 x 11.2 in)



Date Available


Is Part Of

Box 41

Date Accepted

summer 2005


Town Hall
