Recollection - 'Things My Father Told Me, 'by Mrs. Perley (Alice) G. Skelton

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Recollection - 'Things My Father Told Me, 'by Mrs. Perley (Alice) G. Skelton


These are pertinent to the History of Worthington. Paper about Worthington During the Revolutionary War 'Things My Father Told Me' and 2nd paper: 'Things My Fatther and Mother Told Me' covering 1822 - 1941 Transcription of talk given July 12, 1941. The orignal handwritten version in the vault. Also copy of paper on years from 1822-1879. Poem: 'Old Age came - slowly down the path of years........' Also 2 copies (handwritten) report on the Shipman family by Alice Skelton - 'Things My Father Told Me' Last page is this poem: 'Old Age came - slowly down the path of years His name I would not know. I only knew the world grew wondrous kind. We walked together tho his steps were slow. We walk together still Old age - the child I was - and I. Sometimes his shadow darkens all the world. But there is beauty in the sunset sky. And far away - above the distant hills There IS a realm of light effulgent-mystical Whose rays of light SHALL SURELY Guide us thither - when God wills.' Includes 6 newspaper clippings on same subject submitted by Mrs. Guy Bartlett to the Hampshire Gazette.


21.6 x 27.9 cm (8.5 x 11 in)



Date Available


Is Part Of

Box 43

Date Accepted

1940s and summer 2005


Elizabeth Payne
