Newsprint - Worthington Bicentennial - 'Our Towns'

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Newsprint - Worthington Bicentennial - 'Our Towns'


Daily Hampshire Gazette full page article with pictures of 'Our Towns' - pertaining to Worthington. Pictured are School Committeemen: Mrs. Robert J. Lucey, Ralph Kerley, and Carl S. Joslyn. Police Officers: Ernest Nugent, Henry H. Snyder, Chief, John J. Green and Forrest Frew. Selectmen C. Kenneth Osgood, Henry H. Snyder, and Albert Nugent, Jr. Assessors: Grant Knapp, Elmer O. Olds, and Robert Mason. Tax Collector, Mrs. Arthur Rolland; Town treasurer, Mrs. Philip Arcouette; Town Clerk, Mrs. Winston Donovan, Cemetery Commissioner, Emerson J. Davis; Fire Chief, Ashley Cole; and Moderator, Rallph A. Moran (who in 2007 is 95); road Supt. Ernest W. Robinson; board of Health: Mrs. Harold E. Brown (Lois Ashe Brown), Mrs. Ashley Cole, John J. Green. Finance Board: Craig Mason, Mrs. Alice Fairman Whittaker, E. J. Sadler, and Fred S. Emerson. Chairman Philip Bunce absent. 'First settlers came prior to 1762 and the town was incorporated in 1768. Celebration of the Bicentennial will be marked with week-long festivities beginning on the evening of June 29 with a Bicentennial ball and concluding on July 6 with a grand parade. Worthington's most famous son, Reverend Russell H. Conwell, author of 'Acres of Diamonds,' founder of Temple University and Temple University Hospital in Philadelphia, was born here. General Lafayette spent a night here enroute from Albany to Boston in 1825. Worthington was a busy center of industry and agriculture in its early days, reaching a population peak in 1810 with 1,391. The first post office in this area was established here in 1796. Small villages within the township mark early sites of industry: West Worthington, Christian Hollow, Stevensville, Worthington Corners, Worthington Center, Ringville, Pease District and South Worthington. The biggest enterprise in town today is the potato operation of A. E. Albert Farms. Situated in the southwestern corner of Hampshire County, Worthington's cool climate, panoramic views, clear streams, and wooded hills attract a large summer colony. Social life in the summer has long centered around the Worthington Gold Club. Winter holds its own attractions beginning with deer season early in December when many hunters from afar are in town. Winter sports and visitors to the sugar camps in turn bring traffice to town as do the antique shops and an auction barn. the town's 33.5 square miles are crisscrossed by 70 miles of road and numerous small streams. Present population is 643 and the total valuation is listed at $4,116,763 with a tax rate of $27.'



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