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Legal - Deed Jonas Leonard to Rufus Leonard Deed from Jonas Leonard to Rufus Leonard, carpenter for $2,000. A certain tract of land lying in said Worthington being part of Lot Fifty Six in town bounded as follows: beginning at the North West corner of said lot then running Eastward on the South Line of Captn. Elisha Brewster's land to his South East corner - then Southward on the West line of land on which Amos Leonard now lives till it strikes the land which I bought of said Amos - thence Eastward on said Amos's south line sixty six rods (?) - thence Southward on the East line of land bought of said Amos till it strikes the North line of Ezra Leonard's land - thence Westward on said Ezra's North line till it strikes Jonah Brewster's land - thence Westward on said Jonah's North line to the country road - thence Northward on the East side of the road forty one rods - thence Westward on the North line of Rufus Leonard's land the whole length of said lot No. 56 - thence Northward on the West line of lot No. 56 to the first mentioned corner, all public roads excepted containing by estimation ninety acres by the same more or less. Also, one other tract of land in the town of Worthington. Bounded Southward on Chester North line, Eastward on the highway leaving from the town of Chester by the house of Wm. Moer in the town of Worthington. Northward partly on Jona. Brewster's land and partly on Jonah Brewster's land. Westward on said Jonah's land containing about twenty acres be the same more of less." Deed one of four found in diary Ref. # 2006a-136.




21 x 33.7 cm (8.2 x 13.2 in)


March 8, 1811




On loan to the Worthington Historical Society by Paul Strasburg
